Conveyor Belt

Conveyors or conveyors are very useful mechanical equipment that are widely used in all industrial dimensions. Today, the use of conveyors in the mining, petrochemical, oil and automotive industries is wide. Conveyors can be seriously touched in all areas of product transfer.

What is an industrial conveyor?

Conveyors or conveyors are very useful mechanical equipment that are widely used in all industrial dimensions. Today, the use of conveyors in the mining, petrochemical, oil and automotive industries is wide. Conveyors can be seriously touched in all areas of product transfer. In the pharmaceutical industry, companies assembling parts and transporting drilled materials from mines all benefit from a variety of conveyors. One of the basic principles in industrial automation lines and programs are conveyors that are equipped with various sensors and visions.

The main types of conveyors and its applications

Rubber conveyor with roller bed

The bottom surface of this type of conveyor is composed of rollers that have been selected to meet the production needs such as the weight or speed required by products that move along the conveyor. The rubber or conveyor belt used in this type of conveyor can consist of only two rollers. However, as the distance between the two ends of the conveyor tire increases, more rollers will be required to move the conveyor.

The reason is to install a roller bed for loading products of different weights on a rubber conveyor. Unloading or loading at the beginning of the conveyor can also cause mechanical shock and damage to the rollers.

These conveyors can be used for packing, sorting, assembling, inspecting and transporting equipment. Common applications of roller bed conveyors include post office sorting and airport luggage transport systems.

Modular conveyor

While flat conveyors use a single, continuous loop of materials, modular conveyor systems consist of a single loop made up of countless interconnected components and typically use hard plastics. This type of conveyor, unlike rubber conveyors and rubber belts, can be replaced and replaced separately. They are also easier to wash, and more resistant to sharp and abrasive materials. This makes modular conveyors easier to maintain and maintain than their counterparts.

Modular conveyors are suitable for product transmission lines that run from the corners and lateral environment of factories. In fact, they can move straight, go around corners, and go around using just one motor. Technically, other types of conveyors can have this capability, but costly changes must be made to them. Plastic modular conveyors also allow the designer to design specific conveyor systems. Examples of these conveyors are models whose width varies and, for example, change from wider to narrower. This type of conveyor can be used to transport food because it is very easy to clean.

Flat belt conveyor

Flat belt conveyor is one of the most common transmission systems used today in many production lines. Flat rubber straps are useful for internal transport, ie carrying equipment in one center. This type of conveyor belt uses a series of electric pulleys to move a continuous flat conveyor, which can be made of natural materials or synthetic fibers (such as polyester, nylon).

Since the belt or rubber of this type of conveyor can be made of different materials, this type of conveyor is extremely diverse. Flat belt conveyor systems are often suitable for industrial environments, washing lines and slow assembly lines.

Blade conveyors

Blade conveyors (with dividers perpendicular to the conveyor plate) have short vertical walls in the form of barriers in their designs. These gaps can keep products safe on sloping surfaces. For different applications, the height of these dividers can be shortened or lengthened. These types of blades are suitable for transporting unpackaged materials such as tea, seeds and و and easily move the material to a higher or lower altitude position. Proper distribution of materials between these blades is a prominent feature of this type of conveyor.

Curved conveyors

These types of conveyors use a curved frame to carry items around corners, create heavy transitions, or maximize available floor space. The curves of these conveyors can rotate up to 180 degrees. Curved conveyors must have different internal and external radii in form to be able to maintain their curved structure along the entire length of the conveyor.

Sanitary conveyors

These conveyors are used in industries that are very important in terms of health and hygiene. Among the food and pharmaceutical industries are the main customers of such conveyors.